About Me

Thank you for visiting my website! I am an ecologist studying coexistence in diverse ecological communities. I use mathematical and computational techniques to understand how species interactions give rise to the macroecological patterns we observe in nature. I am interested in how ideas from statistical physics and applied math can provide new insights in ecology.

Currently, I am a PhD Candidate in the Quantitative and Computational Biology program at Princeton University. I am co-advised by Jonathan Levine and Simon Levin. My research is supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Previously, I studied Mathematics at the University of Chicago, where I was a research assistant in Stefano Allesina’s lab. I also had the fantastic opportunity to spend a gap year at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign working with James O’Dwyer.

Aside from research, I like to play soccer, go hiking and discover new music. This webpage is still under development so please check back soon for a more complete version.